Submitted story from Jim on 11/6/2019

Hello, I’m 57 year old male, very active and fit. At the end of August 2019 I tripped and fell backwards carrying a heavy object. Said object landed just above my right patella and completely ruptured my quad tendon. 1 week later I had surgery. After a week I was back in the gym doing upper body workouts.  Trying not to flex the right quad too much. Probably should have took more time off. Any way the time off, not working and not being able to do the things I normally do almost drove me crazy.

Time passed and at 6 weeks post op I was released to go back to work and my brace was discontinued. At 8 weeks post op I slipped on some stairs, my right leg flexed too much and I “ripped the sutures out :according to my surgeon. I am now almost a week post op for the second time. I feel like I’m in the movie Groundhog Day and going nuts. My surgeon also said I had a degree of heterotopic ossification after the second surgery. Any advise to get through this demoralizing time would be greatly appreciated.

